Food should be a religion, in my opinion. I mean, have you ever seen people come to blows over a big bowl of pasta and some fresh bread? Just saying...

Food brings people together. It bridges language and cultural barriers. It can take you back to a place or time with people you love that makes you smile and relive those moments.

Food has always been my passion, I was always just afraid to fail at it. But the last few years we've known several very healthy people who just simply passed away in the blink of an eye. Perspective. So several decades into life I finally decided to do what I've always wanted to do for a living. And's scary and it's hard.

But when someone comes back after trying something I've made to let me know it was one of the best they've ever had or it reminded them of home.....I can feel my soul getting refueled. So I hope you come and enjoy the food and service. But more than that, I hope you find your 'Moxie' to  do, be and see whatever you've been creating excuses for.

Cheers - 